“We didn’t lose him, mind you – we gained so much knowledge from this man,” Christopher Johnson said of Congressman Elijah Cummings.
Elijah Cummings and I were in the 1982 class of newly elected members of the House of Delegates. We knew each other from high school.
Elijah said, “City College was the first time I was in an integrated environment as an equal.” He became an effective and passionate leader pursuing equality for all of us. We worked together to protect voting rights.
“Our children are our living messengers to a future we will never see.” I heard Elijah say that many times. Perhaps you did as well.
A quality education for all of our children, regardless of their background, is the goal of the Blueprint For Maryland’s future. It’s the work product of a commission chaired by Brit Kirwan, the highly respected former chancellor of the University System of Maryland.
This is the most important issue before the General Assembly. What standards do we set for our public schools and how do we fund them?
As you know, we’ve taken a big step forward in preserving the Preakness at Pimlico and redeveloping most of that land for commercial, residential, medical, and recreational uses.
What I did to bring this about is at http://www.delsandy.com/key-issues/pimlico-and-the-preakness/