All the Views Fit To Print

     I have been rightly accused of introducing legislation after reading an article in the New York Times.
     Not this time.
     Tuesday morning, I wrote the Jewish Times, responding to a letter contending that Roe v. Wade would survive a Romney-Ryan administration.
      After I emailed my letter, I read the views fit to print on the editorial page of the NY Times.
      My letter and a link to “If Roe v. Wade Goes” are below.
Dear Editors:
Two words explain why the right-wing cares so much about who will fill the next vacancy on the Supreme Court.
Citizens United.
That’’s the name of the plaintiff in the decision where the court cast aside precedent to hold that there can be no limits on campaign contributions by an individual, corporation, or association.
Justice Antonin Scalia hopes that abortion is the next issue where the Court reverses itself.
The Justice does not consider Roe v. Wade binding precedent, because, in his view, it was wrong, remains controversial and is an issue better left to legislators than judges.
Despite Governor Romney’s recent efforts to move to the center on reproductive freedom, if elected, he is certain to nominate for the Court only those who meet an anti-choice litmus test.
Even if this doesn’’t result in five votes to discard Roe v. Wade, there would surely be a further erosion of a woman’’s privacy right.
In his recent letter to the editor, Dr. Morton M. Mower writes, ““I can assure you that no one is about to reverse Roe vs. Wade.””
In this instance, a subsequent opinion by the Supreme Court could render that advice woefully wrong.
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