It wasn’t Bill Clinton giving his State of the Union address despite a malfunctioning teleprompter, but it’s as close as I hope to be.
I thought my two election bills would be the last heard at today’s hearing.
Since both had passed the committee last year, I did not ask anyone to testify in support. To avoid having members of the public spend an entire afternoon waiting to be heard, bills with witnesses are usually heard first.
However, the sponsors of other bills were not in the room, and the chair called mine early. As I walked from my seat to the witness table, I realized that I had my testimony in my hand but not House Bills 312 and 314.
There was no turning back.
Since this wasn’t my first time, I don’t think anyone noticed any uncertainty in my testimony or my responses to questions.
Fortunately, there were no questions beginning with, “On page 2, line 5 of your bill, can you explain…”