Ultimately local and more likely later

All federally funded capital projects are ultimately local.

Biden’s infrastructure bill will include $137 billion for public schools, community colleges, and child-care facilities.  

After I read that this morning, I shared it with a City Schools administrator, the chair of the Baltimore City delegation in the House of Delegates, and an alumnus of a school in my district.

The sooner we begin discussing the schools that should be modernized, the better.

Projects that are shovel ready are more likely to get funded.

My 41st District colleagues and  discussed this before today.

As you likely know, Baltimore City already has a 21st Century Schools construction program.  It’s a joint effort between the school system and the Maryland Stadium Authority.

Taking steps now means federal money is more likely later.

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning