Questions for different reasons

The Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee were thinking ahead to the next bill.

So was I.

The Pre-Kindergarten Expansion Act of 2014 was introduced by the O’Malley-Brown Administration.

The legislation would authorize a competitive grant process for public school systems and private providers to expand pre-K.

There is $4.3 million in the budget for the winning proposals.

To provide ½-day pre-K for all children in the state whose parents choose to enroll them would cost an additional $120 – 140 million.

Lt. Governor Brown said that in response to a question from a Republican delegate.

Another GOP member asked what expansion would cost county school systems.  (An unfunded mandate in Annapolis parlance.)

The questions I asked (to myself):  How do we make the case for expanded pre-k?  When is the right year to do so?  Can we do so in a way that benefits the schools that are already providing these services, such as Baltimore City’s?

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning