President Obama had lunch at Charmington’s in Remington yesterday.
It’s too hipster for my tastes. The kind of place where you can order alfalfa sprouts on mashed yeast.
The President wasn’t there for the cuisine, however. He made the case for requiring paid sick leave for workers in companies with at least 15 employees. The staff at Charmington’s has that benefit.
To provide balance, the Sun article quoted Sen. Lamar Alexander, the new chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which will consider the President’s legislation.
Americans already have “great freedom” when it comes to work, said the Tennessee Republican, who also said that workers have latitude to choose a career and negotiate for the benefits that matter most to them.
Perhaps the Senator’s contributors and social friends can do that but not the average working man or woman.
That’s what unions are for.