Legislative Diary

First Bill, Long Arc

I introduced my first bill of the session. House Bill 217 would extend early voting to the Sunday before Election Day and double the number of early voting locations in every jurisdiction before the general election. Baltimore City, for example, would have ten, instead of five. For the bill hearing later this session, I hope …more >

January 15 – Broken from birth

“The death penalty was broken from birth,” declared Benjamin Jealous, president of the NAACP. He spoke at the press conference where Governor O’Malley announced that he would sponsor the bill repealing capital punishment. The Governor’s action is a big deal.  He brings the power and resources of his office to our effort.  So has Ben …more >

First Day: Your Colleagues, Family, and Judgment

             The first day of the session is for renewing acquaintances among colleagues  – even though our last time together was in August for the slots special session, instead of April. It’s also the first day that I receive my bill requests in the form suitable for introduction and first reading.  Nine to be exact. …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning