Legislative Diary

Virgin and Politics – They’re not dirty words.

“You may remember the bus ads that declared, “Virgin.  Teach your kids it’s not a dirty word.” The creative mind behind that campaign was Hal Donofrio. I was one of the political minds that helped initiate it. With some research help from the clipping service maintained by my grandmother, mother, and brother Bruce and more …more >

July 26 – Protections in the workplace and shovels in the ground

Public policy and public improvements were both on my plate this week. I got my first bill draft for next year’s session, and I received the Mayor’s letter announcing her approval of the $8 million spending plan for slots revenue in the Pimlico Race Track neighborhoods. Two Supreme Court decisions that narrowed the protections against …more >

A not so “impressive” column by former Governor Ehrlich

  I don’t always read former Governor Ehrlich’s weekly column in the Sun.  I hardly ever listen to right-wing talk radio. For the same reason: accuracy is not their objective. However, I did read yesterday’s column. Below is my letter to the editor in response.  Dear Editors: Former Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. is entitled …more >

Ripples of Hope on the 4th of July

I again had the honor of reading from the Declaration of Independence before the start of the 4th of July parade in Roland Park. Yesterday, for the first time, I prefaced Jefferson’s declaration by drawing on the words that others have spoken about freedom and democracy.  “A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning