Legislative Diary

Thanks for a study and a plan

 “I read the bill.”  That was the subject line of the email I sent the Lt. Governor’s policy director. “Uncodified section of HB 297 re: parental involvement is more detailed than our bill draft. Thanks.”  was the text. House Bill 297 is the Administration’s pre-K bill. Senator Bill Ferguson and I had a pre-meeting with …more >

Making Bail and Passing the Budget

The Maryland Constitution requires that only one bill be enacted at each 90-day session – the budget bill. The Maryland Constitution also requires that a defendant be represented by an attorney at a bail hearing. Our Court of Appeals decided that this fall. The estimated cost to provide such representation with public defenders under the …more >

Lessons Learned

             I was at the press conference on pre-kindergarten legislation today because of a teacher and a student. Nancy Grasmick, the State Superintendent of Schools, was a guest lecturer the first year I co-taught the Legislation class at the University of Maryland Law School. For the next 18 years, she spoke to the students about …more >

Asking the right person to ask the question

             You always want someone in the room when the decisions are made. That’s the role a good co-sponsor of your bill can play. Today, I wanted someone in the room when the questions are asked. So I asked a committee member who understood my issue to raise the subject. By chance, I ran into …more >

Early and informed decisions

When I applied to college, my mother, Smith College ’45, was my guidance counselor. Today, many students get advice from college admission counselors – if their parents can afford the hefty fees. But those who are doing well in school but don’t have parents with a college education or  the resources to supplement their school …more >

Similar agendas, Crossing the Governor and the bridge

“Mr. Obama plans to campaign in 2014 for universal preschool, an increase in the minimum wage and an administration effort to make college less expensive for the middle class,” reports the New York Times.  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/08/us/politics/obama.html So do I. Last year, Senator Ferguson and I introduced legislation creating a competitive grant program to stimulate innovation and …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning