Legislative Diary

Can seven states be wrong?

            How much does the company pay you? Pretty simple question but not such a simple bill. Under the Women’s Equality Act, introduced by Governor Cuomo of New York, an employer could not prohibit an employee from “inquiring about, discussing, or disclosing the wages of the employee or another employee.” The bill passed the Democratic …more >

Conceding a point to get a bill

My law school training taught me never to concede a point. I relish the back and forth with a committee member when I’m testifying on one of my bills. Ditto when I’m questioning a witness. My legislative training, on the other hand, teaches me that compromise is achieved by conceding a point or two. That …more >

A compromise you can’t refuse

 Keep your friends close but the bureaucrats closer, to paraphrase the Godfather. If you can reach agreement before the bill hearing, a united front and some compromise amendments will increase your chances of passage. The alternative could be a bloated fiscal note exaggerating the cost of implementing your legislation. A letter that commits the agency …more >

Executive Action: From the White House and the Dugout

President Obama promised executive action on the minimum wage  last night. There is ample precedent. The Emancipation Procalmation, President Truman’s order to integrate the military, and President Clinton’s expansion of public lands through the declaration of national monuments are cited by the New York Times. I would add the executive actions dealing with fair employmnt taken by …more >

A Real Human Being

Personalize your testimony.  I tell my students that – my staff as well. It’s far better to make your argument by talking about a real human being, instead of some abstract principle. Delegate Pete Hammen, chair of the Healh and Government Operations Committee, is a guest lecturer at my class, not a student. When he defended …more >

What a difference a day makes?

Our election laws should maximize turnout, with sanctions for those who commit fraudulent acts or seek to prevent others from voting. Inspired by the long lines of people voting early during the Obama-Romney election, I introduced a bill last year to authorize voting on the Sunday before Election Day. The State Board of Elections, however, …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning