Legislative Diary

A Withdrawal Is a Win

If you live near Loyola University, your neighborhood participates in the school’s strategic planning. That collaboration began with a bill of mine that was defeated – forty years ago. Loyola had purchased a nearby apartment building to convert it into a dormitory. My legislation would have required that the elderly tenants, whose leases were not …more >

Preparing for a Bill

At the outset of the Trump administration, legislation was introduced authorizing Maryland’s Attorney General to sue the federal government without obtaining the Governor’s approval. Speaker Mike Busch referred the bill to the subcommittee that I chaired. The day before the floor debate, my committee chair, Delegate Shane Pendergrass, asked me if I was prepared to …more >

People Are Benefiting

Money from Maryland’s legal settlements with the tobacco industry and opioid distributors is being used to address the problems caused by cigarettes and fentanyl. Money from settlements with violators of the safe housing provisions of our consumer protection law is being used to provide legal counsel for tenants facing eviction. I was the lead sponsor …more >

Straightforward and a More Perfect State

As a bill sponsor, I try to describe what my bill would do in a straightforward (no legal terms) manner that is readily understandable to a fellow legislator or a constituent. “To support House Bill 259,” I told the Judiciary Committee members this afternoon, “You have to answer two questions.” Should the State of Maryland …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning