Legislative Diary

In the home stretch

Developments on three of my bills worthy of discussion… My referendum petition bill was slowed when a senator offered a floor amendment.  It will be debated tomorrow. I’ve been advised not to intervene.  The Senate committee that acted on my bill will handle it. I thought my slots bill would be heard in the Senate …more >

It doesn’t matter which county you live in

“I was not here at the time.  I was a high school student when the General Assembly considered legislation prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations.” That’s how I began my floor speech on the bill that would add gender identity to our civil rights law. During the floor debate, some of my colleagues said that their …more >

A principle and the principal’s office

“The Speaker wants to see you in his office.” A state trooper conveyed that message to me. I was on the House floor, waiting for today’s floor session to begin. Was I being summoned to the principal’s office? Thankfully, not. I had company –the leadership of the Appropriations Committee. The State operating budget would be …more >

Learning about products that can kill

I hope to learn something new each session. Weeks before the public hearing, I knew the outcome for my legislation that would ban the sale of gateway products for young smokers – unpackaged, or single-wrapped, cigarillos and other flavored  tobacco products. As I expected, House Bill 1158 got an unfavorable report from the House Economic …more >

Early intervention – legislative and medical

You may have read this: Last year, Maryland enacted one of the nation’s strictest gun laws after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Conn., but also opted to focus on mental health issues by creating the center for early intervention. It was in a Baltimore Sun story about the Center for Excellence on …more >

Counting among twenty, the right way

             “The Department shall adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this section by January 1, 2015.” As introduced, the legislation did not require that the regulations be adopted by a certain date. Several specific prohibitions on law enforcement officials would be deleted from the bill. Why did the lobbyist show me these changes? I …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning