Legislative Diary

Sandy’s Campaign Diary: The Standout Performer

This morning the Baltimore Sun endorsed me and my 41st District colleagues, Jill Carter and Nathaniel Oaks. The full editorial follows.         In District 41 in the Northwest reaches of the city, incumbents Samuel “Sandy” Rosenberg, Jill Carter and Nathaniel Oaks, all House veterans, have performed well as a team despite their diverse backgrounds, and …more >

Solving the problem and asking why not

I want to share with you my opening and closing remarks at the League of Women Voters 41st District candidates forum last night.              At this event two elections ago, an audience member asked us if we could help a member of the Islam community obtain a funeral license.              Embalming is not permitted in …more >

Perhaps you have read about Michele Robinson

Funding for instruction geared to high performing students in Baltimore City public schools may be jeopardized by the budget now being considered by the School Board. It’s a positive sign that we’re discussing how to retain and attract such students. My testimony last night, on behalf of myself and my 41st District colleagues, follows. Enabling …more >

Working for my clients

     Mr. Keating soon called on five senators who had been recipients of his campaign largess — Alan Cranston of California, Donald W. Riegle Jr. of Michigan, John Glenn of Ohio and Dennis DeConcini and John McCain of Arizona — to pressure the bank board to relax its rules and kill its investigation.      All …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning