Legislative Diary

A caucus Groucho would not want to be a member of

The Maryland Democratic Party’s “center-right legislators have shrunk to a handful,” writes Barry Rascovar, a former editorial writer at the Baltimore Sun. http://politicalmaryland.com/2014/11/13/missing-democratic-moderates-md/ The Republican Party faces a similar problem. None of the three GOP legislators who voted for marriage equality is returning to Annapolis.  Two were elected to local office, Senator Alan Kittleman and …more >

Protecting, not suppressing, our most sacred constitutional right

I agree with former Governor Robert Ehrlich that voting is “our most sacred constitutional right.”  (“Middle class value claims are a joke” http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-ehrlich-1019-20141018-column.html) “The removal of ineligible names (mostly the deceased) disenfranchises nobody,” Mr, Ehrlich wrote.  No dispute there. However, the so-called voter reforms that he and the Republican Party support are intended to make it more …more >

In the classroom, in the middle

 California’s tenure laws for public school teachers violate that state’s constitution. So ruled a trial judge this past June. There could be a similar lawsuit or legislation in Maryland. I’m seeking a middle ground. Providing incentives to our best teachers to instruct students with the greatest needs will benefit these children. Rewarding teachers for their …more >

Welfare Reform 2.0

“Expanding Opportunity in America” was the title of Congressman Paul Ryan’s speech yesterday. Cong. Ryan is the chair of the House Budget Committee and was Mitt Romney’s running mate. He would merge up to 11 anti-poverty programs into a single grant program. I agree with some of his proposal but not all of it. http://paulryan.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=389081 …more >

Campaigning vs. Governing – Talking vs. Deciding

Campaigns are often about rhetoric. A slogan can define an opponent or encapsulate an idea. Governing is about decisions. How much should we tax our citizens? How should we spend that revenue? The Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case is an opportunity for policy decisions about family planning to be discussed during the …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning