Legislative Diary

February 18 – Don’t reenact the wheel

When it comes to bill drafting, I’m very conservative. If another state has adopted a law on the same topic, use it. If that statute proves inadequate, you’ll have evidence to improve what we enacted. When you’re proposing changes to existing law, tinker with that language instead of replacing it. You don’t need to reenact …more >

February 17 – Remembering lynchings

I had never done this before. I had no written testimony for the hearing on my lynching bill. Instead, I distributed to the committee the chilling account of the lynching of George Armwood in Sherrilyn Ifill’s On the Courthouse Lawn. I pointed out that Clarence Mitchell, Jr. reported on the Armwood lynching for the Afro …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning