Legislative Diary

March 16 – We should meet next week

“This is one of the policies that could help men,” Ron Haskins wrote me this past May.                –help finding jobs (perhaps as part of the child support program; many states are now running such programs)    When welfare reform passed the Congress, Ron was the majority (Republican) staff director of the House Ways and Means …more >

March 14 – Non-meeting meeting

The non-meeting meeting was productive. The Subcommittee on Civil Law was supposed to meet at 4:00 to discuss the Attorney General’s bill on structured settlements. When I arrived at the committee room to chair the meeting, the AG’s office and representatives of the affected businesses were already engaged in discussions. No need to interrupt these …more >

March 9 – Focusing on lead poisoned kids

One of the witnesses for property owners would have the committee believe that because of the lead in the water in Flint, Michigan, we’re spending too much money and effort enforcing Maryland’s laws directed at deteriorated rental properties. “As this committee well knows,” I began my testimony in response, “lead paint in poorly maintained housing …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning