Legislative Diary

August 12 – Summer Priorities

The Preakness, pre-kindergarten, lead poisoning, and Enoch Pratt top my priority list this summer. Pimlico Race Course should remain the long-term home of the Preakness. The study of that issue is underway, under the auspices of the Maryland Stadium Authority. If the report recommends building a new facility at Pimlico, my job will be to …more >

June 28 – From delivery to the neighborhoods

My mother’s obstetrician was Dr, Alan Guttmacher. He would later become the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation. When I first ran for the House of Delegates in 1983, I supported Medicaid funding of abortion.   One of the incumbents I defeated did not. I was the House floor leader in 1991 when we passed the …more >

June 10 – Ben Gurion’s Diary: From the profound to the lyrical

I was honored to speak last night at “We Declare: Re-Reading Israel’s Declaration of Independence.”  The event was sponsored by BINA, the Jewish Movement for Social Change and held at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. This is what I said: The Declaration of Independence was made possible by the UN partition vote six months earlier. David …more >

May 9 – Advocate for a safe community

“We do have slots money that could be used for that purpose, and I’m going to begin working on that tomorrow morning,” Del. Samuel I. “Sandy” Rosenberg said in response. https://baltimorebrew.com/2016/05/06/amid-a-rash-of-shootings-howard-park-sends-an-sos/ That’s what I said at a community meeting prompted by four shootings in less than a week in Howard Park. That’s what I did …more >

April 7 – Substance, Xeroxing, and the Holy Sepulcher

We debated policy on the House floor, overriding the Governor’s vetoes of two bills. However, when it came to my legislation today, it wasn’t substance. I got the signatures of all of the Baltimore City Senators on a letter supporting my local bill to provide employment incentives for fathers so that they would make their …more >

April 5 – The moral test

“Nonvoters have an important stake in many policy debates — children, their parents, even their grandparents, for example, have a stake in a strong public-education system — and in receiving constituent services, such as help navigating public-benefits bureaucracies.” Justice Ruth Ginsburg wrote that in her majority opinion yesterday. Her decision upheld using the full population, …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning