Legislative Diary

A side conversation and Jim Crow states

“Sandy, can we pull the two proposed bills, or slow roll them, while this side conversation takes place?” A constituent sent me that message today. I met with him and several colleagues in December to discuss how their businesses could benefit from changes in state law. That side conversation is taking place, I replied, because …more >

Closed schools and open discussions about their future

Sweat the details. That applies to the language in a bill and, just as importantly, to government-funded construction projects back home. At meetings with neighborhoods in the Edmondson Village corridor about the Red Line, my 41st District colleagues and I made that promise. Today, the subject was school construction. Seven schools in our district will …more >

A wise choice and Socialist Rosenberg

Two ancient history lessons today. During the Cuban missile crisis, Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, sent President Kennedy two messages. One was belligerent, the other was not. Kennedy responded to the second. The crisis was solved without shots (or missiles) being fired. I met with an advocate this morning and attended a press conference on …more >

Legislative Company

Legislating loves company. I will be testifying next to Attorney General Brian Frosh later this week. The subject: authorizing his office to bring a law suit to prevent arbitrary or unconstitutional federal actions from harming Maryland residents. Unlike his counterpart in Washington state, our AG cannot initiate a legal action regarding the travel ban or …more >

Preparing for a Public Hearing, Preparing to do a Mitzvah

It helps to meet with the people affected by your bill before the public hearing. That way, you can learn about their concerns and, if they’re reasonable, address them with an amendment. That’s far better than their testifying against your bill before the committee. The public hearing for two of my election law bills is …more >

Power intoxicates and it corrupts

“Precisely because the problem is one of temperament and character, it will not get better. It will get worse, as power intoxicates Trump and those around him,” former Bush administration official Eliot Cohen wrote in The Atlantic. President Kennedy said the same thing – almost. “When power intoxicates, poetry restores sobriety,” read the draft of …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning