Legislative Diary

Protecting Our Rights – Voting and Guns

My bottom line: The law should benefit people or prevent them from being harmed without unduly burdening the rights of those whose conduct is being regulated or criminalized.. One example is voter fraud. To what extent should we impose barriers to the exercise of this fundamental right when seeking to prevent individuals from voting illegally? The Congress struck …more >

Contacting and Thanking Voters – On line and at their front door

Russians bought at least one Facebook ad that targeted voters in Baltimore during last year’s Presidential election. The ad made reference to the Black Lives Matter movement, the Baltimore Sun reported yesterday. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/politics/bs-md-cnn-facebook-20170927-story.html Under Maryland law, each campaign finance entity responsible for publishing or distributing campaign material through the Internet must keep a sample copy …more >

Jail Time for Tenants and Terrorists

People are going to jail because they did not pay their rent. That would not happen if they had a lawyer. I’ve introduced bills before to require that an attorney be provided in certain legal situations. After reading the Sun article about this procedure, civil attachment, I’m working on legislation to require that legal counsel …more >

Orioles Fans and Classmates

I was walking to the Orioles game on Greene Street last night. Nothing blog worthy about that. But then someone said, “City College.” “What year?” I responded. “’68,” he said. We were classmates. Both of us have worked in state government. Tom in Parole and Probation. He spoke positively of the Math and English departments …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning