Legislative Diary

Perhaps we do have common ground

Poverty has the greatest influence on a child’s poor performance in school. Senator Bill Ferguson said that at the Greater Baltimore Committee’s forum on the 2018 General Assembly session this morning. I’m aware that poor children enter kindergarten with a much smaller vocabulary than middle class kids. A Republican colleague at today’s forum put the …more >

A newcomer to this process

I’m a newcomer legislatively when it comes to health insurance. My focus has been on the public health side – lead poisoning, family planning, and mental health. However, with the changes to Obamacare in the federal tax bill and regulatory actions by the Trump administration, 240,000 Maryland families will likely become uninsured. “Implications of Federal …more >

A legal batting average and a legal mandate

Maryland’s Attorney General did not have the authority to sue the federal government without the Governor’s approval until we passed the Maryland Defense Act last year. Since then, Brian Frosh has entered into twenty law suits – on federal actions affecting the environment, health care coverage, immigration, and other issues. Every Republican member of my …more >

Mandating pre-K-12 spending and improving performance

Two visions of education will be considered by the General Assembly this session and next year as well. Last week, Governor Hogan declared that we needed the Office of the State Education Investigator General to investigate “complaints of unethical, unprofessional, or illegal conduct relating” in our public schools. At his budget press conference yesterday, the …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning