Legislative Diary

A dedicated champion of the district

The race for delegate in the [41st] district includes one no-brainer: Del. Samuel I. “Sandy” Rosenberg, who has for years been one of the sharpest minds in the legislature and a dedicated champion of his district. Baltimore Sun endorsement, http://www.baltimoresun.com/…/bs-ed-city-legislative-endors… … It’s very nice to be praised for my mind. How I use my skills …more >

I took note of it

The Maryland Stadium Authority held a public hearing on the future of Pimlico Race Track Tuesday night. The testimony of Rosalind Griffin did not make it into the Baltimore Sun story, but I took note of it. She testified on behalf of herself; her community, Mt. Washington; and two others, Cylburn and Levindale-Sunset. Mt. Washington …more >

Putin’s bots and the First Amendment

Litigate or legislate? The General Assembly just passed a law requiring online platforms, such as Facebook, to keep records of who paid for political advertisements on their sites. We acted in response to the ads bought by Russian agents, working at the behest of the Putin government, during the 2016 Presidential election. Before I introduced …more >

Extended Hours at the Pratt Library

The intersection of Pennsylvania and North Avenues was the focal point of the demonstrations and confrontations after the death of Freddie Gray. The neighborhood branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library at that intersection stayed open. That commitment to the library’s mission prompted the 2016 General Assembly to enact legislation providing state funds to extend …more >

Not just the classroom, Food stamp app, and Vaping with Juuls

I’m running for reelection to the House of Delegates so that I can help make good public policy. This week, I found some time between door knocking, community meetings, and candidate forums to get the process started on some issues. The American Federation of Teachers took the lead in reinvigorating the poorest county in West …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning