Legislative Diary

A Very Big Ask

When the advocates first met with me in 2011, I thought their proposal would never be adopted. Rebuild every public school in Baltimore City. At a cost of $2.8 billion. That is a Very Big Ask. In 2013, we passed a bill authorizing a $1 billion partnership of the State, City, and City Schools to …more >

A connection and a eulogy

I had not been mentioned in a eulogy until last night. The memorial mass was for Charles Hamilton Houston, Jr. His father, Charles Hamilton Houston, Sr., was the dean of Howard Law School and the legal mentor of Thurgood Marshall. The eulogist was Professor Jose Anderson. We met as adjunct Legal Writing teachers at the …more >

Making a choice

The Maryland Catholic Conference will oppose a constitutional amendment protecting a woman’s right to choose. “We challenge all those who value the dignity and human rights of each Marylander to do the same,” declared the group’s executive director. Governor Hogan trusts that voters would make the right decision if such an amendment is on the …more >

Mysterious Ways

It’s not often that I help a grandmother fly from Israel to the US to attend a family wedding. On Friday of last week, I heard from Jeremy Staiman, who designs my campaign literature. His 91-year old mother, accompanied by Biji Dixon, her full-time aide, had tickets to fly from Israel to the United States …more >

Keeping our choice

Twenty seven years ago, my colleagues and I anticipated that Roe v. Wade could be in jeopardy some day. We passed a law that embodies the principles of that decision. Maryland voters approved it on referendum, 62-38%. If the Supreme Court were to reverse Roe or limit its protections, women in Maryland would not be …more >


Thanks for your vote, for your support, or for your advice. I’m honored to be returning to Annapolis – to work on policy issues and neighborhood issues. There’s lots for my colleagues and me to do. Now it’s time to govern.

It Takes a Team

To get a bill passed in Annapolis, you need to count to 71 in the House and 24 in the Senate. You can’t do that by yourself. We need a governor who will take the initiative on crucial issues. We will not increase funding for our schools and improve the quality of the instruction offered …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning