Legislative Diary

Our covenant

A bris is a ritual circumcision of an 8-day old Jewish boy. It is part of God’s covenant with Abraham. When the gunman entered the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh this morning, a bris or a baby-naming ceremony was taking place. Earlier today, a friend sent me an article headlined Study: Online attacks on …more >

More than just books

From kindergarten through 12th grade, I used the Pratt Library branch at Park Heights and Garrison. It closed more than 20 years ago. In Annapolis next year, I’ll be working with Mayor Pugh and my 40th and 41st District colleagues to secure state funding to help build a new branch – one block away at …more >

He had more influence

My first bond bill, in 1983, was for the Jewish Heritage Center. I was not the lead sponsor. The chair of the Baltimore City delegation was. He had more influence than a freshman member. As a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, I sat next to Delegate Bobby Neall. I began …more >

The similarities are many

It’s a Baltimore landmark. But it’s seen better days. People don’t go there like they used to. There are public safety concerns. It needs to adapt to the 21st Century. I’m talking, of course, about the Lexington Market. The City announced this week that the market’s renovation will be overseen by the developer of the …more >

Earlier this week, the Baltimore Sun ran an op-ed about college dating experiences. I wrote this response. Dear Editors: “I was about to meet Amherst College preppies,” Carolyn Buck writes of her first party there. (“Undermining our new empowerment,” September 25) I was an Amherst student. I graduated in June 1972. Ms. Buck entered Mt. …more >

The most important subject

“I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.” The subject is public education. The speaker is Abraham Lincoln, campaigning for the Illinois Legislature. The source is Leadership in Turbulent Times, a profile of Presidents Lincoln, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon …more >

A Compelling Sermon

The Jewish High Holidays are a time for reflection. I read about a sermon that prompted a member of the congregation to do the right and courageous thing. That prompted me to write this letter to the editor of the Jewish Times. Dear Editors: How does a rabbi address the compelling political issues of the …more >

The right questions

Is Judge Brett Kavanaugh qualified to serve on the Supreme Court? That’s the question Republican Senators want the public to focus on. What impact would Kavanaugh have on a woman’s reproductive health and President Trump’s future if he became the fifth conservative vote on the court? That’s how Democrats want to frame the debate. Closer …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning