Legislative Diary

Drafting and Reviewing

I asked that several bills be drafted today and over the weekend. A week from tomorrow is the deadline to make a request and be guaranteed that our professional staff will draft the legislation in time for it to be guaranteed a public hearing. My bills would address the following issues: 1. How should the …more >

Learning their spots

“Pick your spots.” That’s the advice I got shortly before I became a member of the House of Delegates. Listen and learn. Then speak. And only if necessary, introduce a bill. I repeated that advice today for the new members of the Health and Government Operations Committee. When I meet individually with the ten members …more >

January 9 – A Worthy Beginning

I was again honored by the Speaker’s request that I offer the prayer for the Opening Day of the legislative session. This is what I said: When George Washington visited the Hebrew Congregation of Newport in 1790, four states were still debating the first amendments to the Constitution. President Washington later wrote the congregation, “The …more >

Utility Player

A utility player can fill many positions on a baseball team. For my first five terms in Annapolis, I served on the Appropriations Committee. Since then, I’ve been on three different committees. I am now on the Health and Government Operations Committee, where I chair a subcommittee. I will continue as the House chair of …more >

High tech and tradition

Amazon HQ2 is not coming to Baltimore or to Maryland. It is coming, however, to a Virginia suburb of Washington. Marylanders will still benefit from this influx of high tech jobs, including students participating in the Maryland Technology Internship Program. You may remember that I sponsored the bill creating MTIP in 2014, alongside UMBC President …more >

The end product that counts

Hogan wins as Dems make gains That’s the banner headline in today’s Sun. That’s the message the voters sent. Party labels don’t matter. It’s the end product that counts. Pre-kindergarten-12th grade education will be the most important issue before the Governor and the General Assembly the next four years. How much funding should the state …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning