Legislative Diary

Two to the House Floor

Favorable committee reports today for two of my bills. The Opioid Restitution Fund would target the use of any funds the State receives from its lawsuits against the opioid manufacturers. I didn’t lobby this bill. I didn’t need to. My testimony made the case that we should address the problems caused by opioids. The money …more >

The old fashioned way

House Bill 307, Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission, had just passed second reader in the House of Delegates. Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, the vice chair of my committee, was the lead sponsor. I was second. Three years ago, I introduced House Bill 173, Commission on the Solemn Remembrance of the Victims of Lynching It was …more >


“Last year I was an opponent. This year I’m an advocate,” a witness told my committee today, That takes some doing. It can start by acknowledging defeat. My bill had a bad hearing. Perhaps I introduced it to start a discussion on an issue, not expecting it to pass the first time around. An unfavorable …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning