Legislative Diary

Be Prepared

Be Prepared is the Boy Scout motto and a song from “The Lion King.” I was not a Boy Scout, and I haven’t seen the musical. (Thanks to Google for the latter.) But I have prepared for quite a few hearings on my bills. On the House floor this morning, another delegate asked me to …more >

Spotlighting Bots

My name doesn’t have to be first on the sponsor line of the bill. Sometimes, it’s better to be second, especially if the person who’s first sits on the committee that’s hearing the bill. Even better if that colleague is in the room where it happens – when the committee leadership meets prior to the …more >

Go Fund Me

“Of all of the health disparities that this committee considers, this one should rise to the top.” The witness was the mother of a child with PANDAS – Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders. PANDAS is an obsessive-compulsive or tic disorder that suddenly appears following a strep infection. One parent spent virtually the entire hearing with his …more >

Genuine negotiations

Democratic legislators had a press conference yesterday on our plan to address public safety. Delegate Maggie McIntosh tweeted: Crime isn’t just a Baltimore City issue -it’s a statewide issue. Our plan will address several strategies including: tougher penalties for witness intimidation, making sure parole and probation agencies have the resources they need, and audits on …more >

No fence

“The fence comes down.” The fence surrounds Pimlico Race Track. It’s been there for quite some time. I drive past it on Rogers Av., when I’m coming home from my district office. I walk past it on Belvedere Av., coming from my house to the track on Preakness Day. At a community meeting last night, …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning