Legislative Diary

Brandon Scott for Mayor

Back in November, I joined Brandon for a discussion on bridging the “Two Park Heights.” Both of us grew up in 21215. We both studied at the Pratt Library Branch at Park Heights and Garrison. Brandon and I both see the great potential in keeping the Preakness at Pimlico and bringing commercial and residential development …more >

Essential Work

In a democracy, being a citizen is essential work.  https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/06/underlying-conditions/610261/ In an election year, that means studying what the candidates have done before they asked for your vote, as well as what they’ve said they would do if you elect them. After the votes are counted, concentrate on an issue you really care about and …more >

Closing the Gap

It should come as no surprise.  “We can’t be satisfied as policy makers until every child in every zip code has the chance to succeed,” declared Speaker Adrienne Jones at a hearing on the pre-K-12 school performance and funding legislation based upon the Kirwan Commission report.. “If you live on the south side of Northern …more >

Planting Seeds

Assisting constituents with  unemployment claims, small business loans, and personal protective equipment.  That’s been the focus of Jackie Greenfield, my Constituent Services Director.  She’s kept me informed and sought my advice.  Meanwhile, I’ve been planting seeds – taking steps that could lead to legislation when the General Assembly reconvenes in January.  I’ve worked on mental …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning