Legislative Diary

A Big Step Forward

Speaker Adrienne Jones has written Governor Larry Hogan, urging him to “increase funding for the state’s rental assistance program and commit funding for a tenant legal assistance program through the end of the year.”  Throughout my career, enabling tenants to remain in decent, safe, and sanitary housing has been one of my priorities. The Speaker’s letter …more >

Joe Biden and Our Better Angels

We heard so many stories about Joe Biden taking time to talk and listen to people.  Quite a few had lost a child or family member.  One stuttered.  What does this tell us about the campaign ahead?  More importantly, what does it say about how Biden would govern and lead as President?  There was empathy …more >

Police Accountability, Having a Lawyer and a Laptop

What will the General Assembly do about police accountability?  That’s the issue that’s receiving the most attention and justifiably so.  Speaker Adrienne Jones has appointed a work group to study the issue and make recommendations for legislation.  Senator Will Smith chairs the committee that will hear such legislation and has written a letter outlining the …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning