Legislative Diary

Covid 19 – Working with scientists and health care providers

Headlines today for the Covid-19 advisory panel appointed by President-elect Biden and Pfizer’s announcement that early data indicate its trial vaccine is more than 90% effective. I am already involved in our state government’s preparation of an operational plan for vaccine acceptance, distribution, and administration. In Washington and Annapolis, government officials will be working with …more >

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris: “It takes sacrifice and Joy.”

“Protecting our democracy takes struggle,” declared Vice President-elect Kamala Harris last night.  “It takes sacrifice. There is joy in it and there is progress.” Many have suffered personal, physical, or economic loss during the pandemic.  We must address the underlying problems that the virus has laid bare.  There is sacrifice and there is joy, Kamala …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning