Legislative Diary

The rules of the drama are the same wherever it’s staged.

The legislative drama regarding President Biden’s stimulus bill has been played out before – in Washington, Annapolis, and every legislative body. Frustrated and believing Democrats were being strung along, Mr. Obama in September 2009 summoned Mr. Grassley to the White House along with Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana [to discuss the Affordable Care Act]… …more >

Necessity is the mother of invention.  Invention can be the mother of resolution.

My two bill hearings today made me aware of that. House Bill 57 would make permanent certain emergency regulations from last year’s election. Canvassing of mail-in or absentee ballots would begin after a certain number are received. If a ballot is unsigned, a local board would be required to attempt to contact a voter to …more >

If they can build it there (in Midtown Manhattan), we can build it at Park Heights and Belvedere

They whistled at it, paraded in it, posed against it, and, for a few moments, forgot themselves. They came to instill civic pride in their kids and remind themselves of all that New York could be. And they left with the satisfaction that comes when your city does something monumental, and does it right. With …more >

“Enough of us have come together.”

“Democracy has prevailed,” declared President Biden in his Inaugural Address. He spoke of this “winter of peril and significant possibilities…We face an attack on democracy and truth.” “In each of these moments” of peril during our history, the President continued, “enough of us have come together.” There is great symbolism in the Inauguration taking place at …more >

The First Milestone

Today was the first milestone of the session: the Bill Request Guarantee Date. If I request that a bill be drafted today, I will be able to introduce it by the next deadline, which guarantees that my legislation will get a public hearing. You can pass a bill that’s introduced later in the session, but …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning