Legislative Diary

The Whole Loaf

When the Congress passed the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction, Roy Wilkins, the executive director of the NAACP, called the watered down legislation “a small crumb.” This afternoon, Speaker Adrienne Jones and the House of Delegates leadership announced their support for ten measures addressing critical housing issues. That’s the whole loaf. The two issues …more >

Three scenarios

If your bill won’t have a public hearing until March, don’t despair. Email all of the interested parties now to get their input. Your goal is to reach consensus before the hearing. If you can do that, the committee can act favorably on your compromise – with time to spare.   Every bill has a …more >

Get involved before you get credit

It doesn’t matter who sponsors the bill. When the Governor signs it, he gets credit for its enactment. Nonetheless, this is what Governor Hogan wrote to Maryland’s Congressional delegation yesterday. Maryland’s current course [for vaccinations] has brought the state “from 2,000 shots per day to over 22,000 shots per day in a matter of weeks,” …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning