Legislative Diary

A High Tech Name Change

Over 600 students have interned at nearly 150 organizations with support from the Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP) since 2018. After reading UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski’s op-ed about a similar program in Massachusetts, I introduced the bill creating the program. Governor Hogan has funded it. The people at UMBC who administer MTIP suggested that we …more >

Additional authority and Bad odds

While the state prosecutor’s office was unable to determine the source of the funds, the case caught the eye of the FBI. That sentence caught my attention in today’s Baltimore Sun story about the investigation of former Mayor Catherine Pugh. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/bs-pr-md-ci-cr-healthy-holly-investigation-backstory-20210318-rwd5w3xsuzczrhnkj27uw4lce4-story.html I emailed someone who might know why that’s the case. Perhaps the State Prosecutor …more >

Moving forward

I was  reassured that an issue addressed by one of my bills will be amended on to another bill. That legislation will be voted out of committee today. It doesn’t matter if a policy change I proposed moves forward in someone else’s legislation, instead of mine. A change to another bill of mine may weaken …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning