Legislative Diary

Vaccines, Stimulus Payment, and a Lawyer

      The 2021 General Assembly responded to the pandemic by making vaccines available to you and your family and providing financial assistance to Marylanders in need.  We also passed major legislation.   Vaccines were made available at Sinai, now at Northwest Hospital, and  at CHAI’s senior apartment communities throughout Park Heights.  Testing was …more >

Thurgood Marshall’s client/Speaker Jones’ aunt

Margaret W. Rose, was denied the opportunity to attend high school in Baltimore County because of her race. Her lawyer was Thurgood Marshall. Maryland’s highest court ruled in 1937, “Admission to the white school could be required only upon a showing that the equality of treatment is not obtainable separately.” Ms. Rose was the aunt …more >

Ultimately local and more likely later

All federally funded capital projects are ultimately local. Biden’s infrastructure bill will include $137 billion for public schools, community colleges, and child-care facilities.   After I read that this morning, I shared it with a City Schools administrator, the chair of the Baltimore City delegation in the House of Delegates, and an alumnus of a school in …more >


One of the most difficult parts of my job is representing a neighborhood when a group home or a drug treatment center moves in. NIMBY – Not In My BackYard is the slogan. At the same time, these facilities provide a valuable service. Senate Bill 96 was heard in my committee today. It would require …more >

I will be here next year.

“If something is not to be, and you can’t get it done, then you look for the way in which it can partially get it done,” Congresswoman Rose  DeLauro said. “What are the things can you get, so it’s not my way or the highway? That’s not what the legislative body is all about.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/28/us/politics/patty-murray-rosa-delauro-stimulus.html …more >

  • My Key Issues:

  • Pimlico and The Preakness
  • Our Neighborhoods
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Lead Paint Poisoning