Embryonic stem cell research has extraordinary potential for treating several diseases.
When Governor Ehrlich first funded this research, Senator Hollinger and I introduced a bill to maximize the scientific benefits we would receive.
In an interview with the Jewish Times, the former governor’s recollection of his role in this process strayed from the truth.
Here’s our letter to the editor in response.
Dear Editors:
The Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission is balanced because our legislation requires it.
There are patient advocates, bioethicists, individuals with experience in biotechnology and biomedical ethics, and scientists from the University System of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University.
Former Governor Robert Ehrlich opposed our bill until it had passed both houses of the General Assembly.
Thus, he distorts the record when he claims that he appointed a balanced commission because “I didn’t want politics or religion to control it. I wanted science to control the agenda.”
Both the former governor and Governor Martin O’Malley are to be commended for funding this vitally important research.
However, in science and in politics, we must follow the evidence.
Paula Hollinger and Sandy Rosenberg
Former Senator Hollinger and Delegate Rosenberg were the lead sponsors of the Maryland Stem Cell Research Act of 2006.