“A stronger deterrent is needed for those homeowners who maliciously damage their own property during or after a foreclosure proceeding,” read the statement of the Maryland Association of Realtors in support of legislation that would make such conduct a criminal misdemeanor.
“Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery,” declared the written testimony of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault in favor of bills that would increase the penalty for sexual solicitation or trafficking of a minor.
Favorable committee action a certainty. How could anyone oppose these measures?
Perhaps you’ve forgotten the question that every bill sponsor must answer:
Why do we need this bill?
On the Judiciary Committee, that means: Is this conduct already illegal? Why aren’t people being prosecuted and serving the maximum sentence under the existing law? Will increasing the penalty reduce the crime?
One witness said that another bill before us would criminalize fraternity pranks.
“Is the penalty double secret probation?” I asked my seatmate.