Sometimes, a summer study won’t do; my bill needs to be enacted.
Two made it to the House floor today.
The first dealt with the Walter Sondheim Jr. Public Service Internship Scholarship Program.
Last year, we extended the program from the summer to the fall and winter semesters. Since students will be attending classes, their internship will be fewer hours per week than during the summer.
Consequently, their stipend should be less. House Bill 107 would reduce what they receive from $3,000 to $2,000. It passed unanimously.
I introduced House Bill 241 at the request of the State Board of Elections.
Legislators cannot accept campaign contributions when we’re in session.
Before that was the law, a legislator received a check from the landlords the week that his committee heard my lead paint bill.
HB 241 would give the Board discretion as to the fine it imposes for a violation. Under existing law, it is $1,000.
A vote on the bill was delayed until tomorrow.