For the second year in a row, my bill won’t pass.
That’s fine with me.
My No Wrong Door legislation would create a one-stop shop for families in need seeking state benefits.
Last year, House Bill 66 received an unfavorable report. However, the Appropriations Committee added language to the budget bill calling upon the Department of Human Resources to analyze additional steps that could be taken to ensure that when Marylanders attempt to access the social safety net, they are able to access a full range of services.
This year, House Bill 880 would put into effect DHR’s response.
Today I learned that our budget staff has recommended that the department report this fall on its implementation of these changes.
I don’t need my name on a bill that the Governor signs if we can accomplish my objective in another way.
PS Granted, this is a slow process. Unless the Governor, the Senate President, or the Speaker puts an issue on their agenda, this is how things get done.