You don’t take things for granted in Annapolis – except when you do.
We had a very good hearing yesterday on my bill creating an internship program for students and veterans interested in a technology career.
Today it was time to count votes.
I spoke with the members of the subcommittee that will take the first – and decisive action on my legislation.
A majority supported the bill.
But I wanted to make sure.
I asked Freeman Hrabowski, whose op-ed prompted me to introduce my bill, to contact the subcommittee members as well.
He readily agreed to do so.
I asked Freeman Hrabowski, whose op-ed prompted me to introduce my bill, to contact the subcommittee members as well.
He readily agreed to do so.
On the House floor this morning, a high-ranking delegate asked me to explain a bill in one of my areas of interest.
I was not aware until now that the bill had been introduced.
I explained my objections.
My colleague indicated that my views were decisive. The bill would not advance.
In light of my trust in my colleague, I did nothing further to kill the bill.